Everyone has a novel in them. Wecan help you find yours.

open book on brown wooden table

Who We Are

Waveney Writers’ Guild is a fun, informal society for writers in the Lowestoft area which meets every other week. It has been going for over a decade and is still going strong! We used to be known as the Lowestoft Library Writers’ Group, but changed our name in 2022.

Our members range from hobbyists to professionals, from poetry to prose, from fiction to fact, from performances to private reading! 


What we do

Writing and publishing is a complicated business! We work together to help each other reach our goals. We do this by:

  • Offering constructive criticism on each other’s work during our critique sessions.
  • Sharing knowledge between members of the group. Members have been both self published and traditionally published. We know the journey well. 
  • Use our skills sessions to improve writing skills through the use of exercises, chats, homework, tea and biscuits (they really help!)

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